It seems like we're never going to finishing unpacking. It's one thing to unpack into a nice, new and clean home.....but we've moved into an older home that needs a lot of cleaning and remodelling. The previous tenants were very dirty. The kitchen is so gross.....all of the cabinets will need to be deep cleaned and painted. We cannot afford the paint until the 15th which is next Thursday.....so all we can do is wait and work around boxes for now.

I really don't mind all the cleaning.....I am just so ready to begin organizing everything and making this feel more like a home. We're not used to having so many closets and space...it's very nice.
Major remodelling projects will be:
- kitchen cabinets - clean and paint
- washroom - clean, seal and paint
- extra bathroom - clean and remove outdated wall paper, repair cabinets and sink
- Chad's closet and room - spot paint
- our extra closets in our master bedroom - paint and clean
- library/desk area - build wall shelves for books
I can't wait for everything to be done. And that's just inside. We've got lots to do outside too.....but that's fun stuff! We have discovered a hidden koi pond in the backyard that we cannot wait to uncover and revive. :o) (okay, it doesn't look quite like this, but it's pretty)

Okay.....we're getting to work now....wish us luck!
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