Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekly Weigh In - March 20, 2011

Well, here we are, only 5 days into our new way of living and eating right. Which to most, really means nothing, I suppose. But we are really excited! :o)

I was expecting to be disappointed with this new diet. Why?

Every time I try to diet I will lose a little - and it takes so long, suffer through a horrible eating regimen only to quit 'cause I don't lose a lot weight and I get frustrated 'cause it's not going fast enough and isn't instantaneous. Well....I feel really good, am generally never hungry and I am losing weight. Hallelujia!

10 pounds less.

I have to admit that it feels really good, it certainly motivates me to keep disciplined and stick to my daily meal plan.

So let’s break it down shall we?

Things I did right this week:

I followed the meal plan, ate sensible portions, no large helpings, no seconds, no double portions. We measured everything and kept track in a daily journal.

Ate most of my fruit and vegetables raw.

Drank at least 6 bottles of water a day.

I did 20 minutes of aerobics a day (except on my free day).

Things I didn’t do right this week:

On day 4, we had to go to a wedding, which threw off our meal schedule. We didn't eat our first meal 'til about 12:30pm. This made for a very "cravy" and hungry evening. It was not a good idea to skip breakfast.

Lesson learned and understood: Breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day.

Things I want to do next week:

Do 45-50 minutes of physical activity every day. This is going to be a big challenge....and we're ready and excited for it! :o)

Continue to follow the meal plan diligently.

Drink more water.

I am so excited for the week to come....I'll try to limit my diet update to once per week....but I can't make any promises! :o)


ROOT226 said...

AWESOME!!! if i could get someone to cook and measure my food for me i think i'd do well. Keep it up, you're doing great!!!!!

ROOT226 said...

p.s. and it would help if that same someone (who cooks and measures) would also clear the 2 containers of cookies off our kitchen island. :)

Tammy said...

ha! GET RID OF THOSE COOKIES, AND PRONTO!!! We packed up all of our "non-diet" foods (chips, popcorn, pastas, peanut butter and jelly, cakes, frostings, etc.) and sent them home with Chad to take to Denton. NO WAY can we have those things here! :o) You can do this's easy. BUT, it does take have to plan our your meals and grocery shopping. Tomorrow starts a new work week - first day at work on our diets. We're hoping we'll be able to plan and organize our meals for the day and eat the way we should. Wish us luck!